张振祥(ZHANG Zhenxiang)论文总目录            论文分组         论文被引      

按发表年月先后顺序排列, 2000年以后的论文([17-28])均标注 Supported by NSF of China Grant 10071001. (如果你不能在相关期刊网站下载论文的电子文件, 请给我发电子邮件索取论文的pdf格式文件)

28.[Zhang 2015]  Estimating the counts of Carmichael and Williams numbers with small multiple seeds,  Mathematics of Computation, 84:291 (2015),   309-337.

27.[Zhang 2011] Counting Carmichael numbers with small seeds,  Mathematics of Computation,, 80:273 (2011), 437-442.

26.[Zhang 2010]  On the effectiveness of a generalization of Miller's primality theorem, Journal of Complexity, 26:2 (2010), 200-208. 

25.[Zhang and Xie 2010]  (with Ruirui Xie) Sylow p-pseudoprimes to several bases for several primes p, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 81:1 (2010), 165--176.

24.[Zhang 2007] Two  kinds of strong pseudoprimes up to 1036Mathematics of Computation, 76:260 (2007),   2095-2107

23.[Zhang,Zhou and Liu 2006]  (with Weiping Zhou and Xianbei Liu) A generalised Lucasian primality test, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 74:3 (2006), 419-441.

22.[Zhang 2006] Notes on some new kinds of pseudoprimes, Mathematics of Computation, 75:256 (2006), 451-460.

21.[Zhang 2005] Finding C3 -strong pseudoprimes, Mathematics of Computation, 74:250 (2005),   1009-1024.

20.[Zhang and Tang 2003] (with Min Tang) Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases. II, Mathematics of Computation, 72:244 (2003),   2085-2097.

19.[Zhang 2002] A one-parameter quadratic-base version of the Baillie-PSW probable prime test, Mathematics of Computation  ,   71:240 (2002), 1699-1734.   

18 [Zhang 2001b]  Using Lucas sequences to factor large integers near group orders, THE FIBONACCI QUARTERLY, 39:3 (2001), 228-237.

17.[Zhang 2001a] Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases, Mathematics of Computation,70:234 (2001),   863-872.

16.[Zhang 1999] 关于矩阵乘法的一个改进算法的时间复杂度, 数学研究与评论, 19:4 (1999), 716-718.

15.[Zhang 1996c]多重精度算术软件包的设计与实现计算机研究与发展, 33:7 (1996), 513-516. 

14.[Zhang 1996b] Jacobi 和素性测定算法在PC上的实现, 计算机工程与科学, 18:2 (1996),  23-28.

13.[Zhang 1996a] 关于矩阵乘法与整数卷积最佳算法运算量的估计一文的评注, 计算数学, 18:1  (1996), 8-11.

12.[Zhang and Zeng 1995]  (偕曾肯成) 一个53位数的分解, 计算机研究与发展, 32:6 (1995), 1-4, 34. (该文有悬奖声明, 至今无人揭奖)

11.[Zhang 1994]  Finding finite B2-sequences with larger m-am1/2, Mathematics of Computation, 63:207 (1994)  403-414.

10.[Zhang and Pei 1994]  (偕裴定一) 多重精度算术的时间复杂度分析, 数学的实践与认识, 24:3 (1994), 74-76. 

9.[Erdös and Zhang 1993b] (with P.Erdös) Upper bound of  Σ 1/(ai log ai)  for quasi-primitive sequences, Computers Math. Applic., 26:3 (1993), 1-5.

8.[Zhang 1993c]  A B2-sequence with larger reciprocal sum, Mathematics of Computation, 60:202 (1993),   835-839.

7.[Zhang 1993b] On a problem of Erdös concerning primitive sequences, Mathematics of Computation, 60:202 (1993),  827-834.

6.[Erdös and Zhang 1993a]  (with P. ErdösUpper bound of  Σ 1/(ai log ai) for primitive sequences, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 117:4 (1993), 891-895.

5.[Zhang 1993a] 关于整数向量卷积的一个算法的时间复杂度, 计算数学, 15:1 (1993), 93-94.  

4.[Zhang 1992] 关于矩阵乘法的一个算法的时间复杂度数学研究与评论, 12:3 (1992), 473-475.

  3.[Zhang 1991b] On a conjecture of Erdös on the sum Σ p<n 1/(p log p), J. Number Theory, 39:1 (1991), 14-17.

  2.[Zhang 1991a] 关于大整数分解的二次算法在IBM PC系列微机上的实现, 通信保密, No.2 (1991),  47-49. (该文首先在中国密码学会成立大会(北京, 1990)上宣读)

1.[Zhang 1990] 关于欧几里德算法复杂性的一点注记, 计算机研究与发展27:12 (1990), 59. 

论文按内容分组: 在国际刊物发表论文按论文内容分成四个组合

·  伪素数和相关素性测定算法研究 [1719-28]

·  整数分解方法研究 [18]

·  算法复杂度分析 [26]

·  计算机辅助关于整数序列几个猜想的研究 [3678911]


·  整数分解和素性测定算法实现技术研究 [2121415]  

·  大整数算法的时间复杂度分析 [145101316] 
